Background and General Information
The article below is based solely from my own background, readings and UPG during the course of my study within the faith known as Norse
Heathenry. This page and other
information posted within is based on my own personal interaction with and
experiences within this course of study over the past 7 to 8 years. Norse Heathenry is a faith full of strong
opinions from very strong minded and willful peoples. Many have formed very
strict opinions and take offense to what is said about our collective faiths. With
that being said, I will say that this faith has brought me much comfort and
empowerment and has enriched my life and more ways that can be described. As a practicing Norse Pagan, I want to let
others know of our faith and my take on the whole matter. Because to be a daughter of Odinn and all
that he governs it is my duty and obligation to be a mouth-piece for all that
is good and done in His honor…Hail Odinn!!!
To me, Norse
Heathenry is a re-constructionist faith that is based in part in anthropological
study and oral tradition. It is fought full of scholars that purport to be
studying various aspects of how our ancestors worshiped, lived, worked and loved. As with Wicca, there are many different paths
that one can follow and are extremely diverse in their understandings and
focus. The gods of this pantheon are Norse,
meaning that they arose from the Germanic tribes in areas throughout central
and northern Europe. Some major areas that were influenced include Germany,
Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. The Norse Pantheon consists of
two major tribes of gods which are the Aesir and the Vanir. The Aesir, led by
Odinn, the All-Father, are a group of gods and goddesses that oversee such
concepts as justice, war, oaths, mental preparedness and other more esoterical
issues that man-kind may face within a lifetime. The Vanir on the other hand, led by Njord,
the god of the coastal waters, wisdom and wealth, are a group of gods and
goddesses that oversee practical matters such as fertility, prosperity, the
deeds of a man/woman, and agricultural events such as plating crops, and the
harvest. Some of
the gods that are worshiped within both tribes of gods are Odinn, Thor, Frigga,
Freyr and Freya, Njord, Loki, and Heimdall… just to name a few!
With all that said, it should be known that not everyone
sees this diverse faith within the same light.
Many of us oath (make a sacred promise) to specific gods/goddesses or
groups therein. Some make specific promises to further the causes of truth,
justice, and to help those less fortunate or to make other general
contributions to society at large. For
example, many Asatruers align themselves with just the Aseir believing that
they are the gods that reign supreme in the Norse Heaven which is called
Asguard. To be an Asatruer means (to
some) to be in trust and troth to the Aesir!
Others who worship within this faith worship both the Aesir and Vanir
believing that both tribes of gods have equal footing in Asguard. Still others believe that one shouldn’t honor
or even mention Loki or the Jotun( a race of giants or half-giants that are
bent on destroying Asguard and those that inhabit the region) because of a
perceived belief that both are evil and are enemies of Asguard and all who are
oathed to the Aesir and to those whom dwell within its walls.
How it Feels to be a Daughter of Odinn
Ok now that I have given some general background information…here
comes the good part…my own personal take on my faith. Being a Norse pagan is a daily experience
that has been an interesting undertaking to say the least! Being a daughter of Odinn, I see things from
a very practical standpoint and sometimes have issues with how we are as a
people seen. Many think of us as racists
or skin-headed idiots who preach hate, war and prejudice in everything that we
do! Most of us have families and are leaders in our community and dislike
immensely how we are compared to idiots that think they have to conquer the
world in order to live in it! I personally don’t have a swastika tattooed on my
ass or any other region of my body!! So
being compared to the Nazi pricks doesn’t do it for me! And I am not a big proponent of racial purity considering that I am a European mutt with ancestors
all over Europe and the Mediterranean!
The All-Father interacts with me when I am faced with decisions that affect how I will see the world through the eyes of my religious
belief system. Odinn is one who that if
I am stuck in my head considering other faiths (the African Traditional Religions)
he will say….”Hey you are you going to stay in your own head or come out and
interact with everyone around you?” or “If you stay in your head too long you
may forget how to handle life and it will overwhelm the hell out of you when you
come back out!” He is a powerfully
protective force that prevents harm of any kind from coming my way. Odinn has taught me to be present in my life
and not hide from a challenge. He also
has taught me that it is wrong to play the victim and just hide from
everything. I have had many a bad thing
happen to me in my childhood…everything from molestation to being held at
gunpoint by idiots that think it is ok to hit and control women. Being a
daughter of Odinn has taught me to stand up for myself and tell the abusers in
my life to go to Hel and stay away or I will consign you there myself! My faith in the Norse Heathenry has taught me
to be proactive and not sit on my ass and let the world go by…until then keep it real and remember stand up and be heard!
Interested in your take.
it will be an interesting one! LOL